I really enjoy doing illustrations for children's magazines. The assignments are usually very fun and creative, and allow me to draw some crazy things. Whenever I work on stuff for kids, I'm always reminded of how different my day-job is from, say, working in an office somewhere. Its strange sometimes when I talk to people and they talk about what they did at work that day, and then they ask me what I did -- and I tell them something like "I drew monkeys riding tricycles today" or "today, I designed three different kinds of monsters doing aerobics" or something like that.
Here are some spot illustrations drawn over the last few months for children's publications:
These were drawn for the excellent Nickelodeon Magazine -- always a fun magazine to work for. They were fake games designs for a feature on Christmas-related board games -- as in "what if famous games were customized for the holidays?"
This mummy was also drawn for Nickelodeon, but for their Halloween issue. I think it was even turned into a sticker - cool!
These two were character designs for a children's book project that I was originally supposed to work on, but had to back out of due to some scheduling conflicts. They were also fun to draw, so I thought I'd share them here.