Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Night at the Opera
Here are three illustrations from a fun project I completed last month. They're for a new modern opera, "Les Adventures de Madame Merveille" which will be opening this summer in Montreal. Commissioned by ECM+, the libretto is written by award winning comic writer Cecil Castellucci, and features 4 different comic-themed sequences, each illustrated by a different artist. The other artists involved in the project are Scott Hepburn, Cameron Stewart and Pascal Girard -- excellent illustrators all.
My segment is the romance part of the story, and the drawings above are three of ten illustrations that will be projected onstage during the performance. All the illustrations were painted in ink and goauche, and were a lot of fun to work on. I've been having great luck lately in the variety of different assignments to try my hand in and I have to thank Cecil for bringing me aboard for this project.