Thursday, June 29, 2006

House of Fran

I've been very busy drawing up some new comic pages, so my apologies for not updating this blog more frequently. I'll try and post more stuff soon. In the meantime, here's a quick marker cartoon I did of my wife, Claudia (aka Fran), who also has her own sketchblog called the Fran Pages. Its filled with her excellent drawings and illustrations -- needless to say, I'm a fan!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Name is Eunice Jung

This is actually a story I wrote years ago, which I recently revisited and re-drew. Like "Night Time", the other story posted on my blog, it was originally published in the local magazine, Taddle Creek as their "illustrated fiction" feature. Recently, the very excellent Korean comic publisher, Sai Comics, contacted me with an offer to reprint this and some of my other comics for Korean audiences (and translated into Hangul!) in their anthology series. Well, after seeing some of the other comics going in the same book, and after taking a look at how badly I drew and lettered this years ago, I decided to re-do most of the artwork before allowing it to be published again.

Now normally I wouldn't redraw old artwork, since its like going backwards, but this time I thought might be fun. Especially since the story was only 2 pages long and really simple. I was fairly happy with the results, and it was actually a nice break to work on from the longer stuff I'm drawing now.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Black Coat

This is a recent pin-up drawing I did for fellow artist Francesco Francavilla and his very nice comic book, the Black Coat. Its a historical adventure, set around the time of the American revolution and features a mysterious hero in, what else, a black coat.

Since the comic has such an interesting historical setup for the stories, I tried to keep some of that period background and mood in my drawing. As with everything else recently, I drew this one in 2 colours with Pitt pens and then cleaned it up digitally. You can compare the final against my original mini-sized, quickie pencil rough below: