...has come and gone! Yup, for those who missed it, it was
Saturday, May 5th. For my part, I spent it at the fine Toronto comicshop
The Beguiling, signing books and doing free sketches for anyone who wanted one (Spider-man and Venom seemed the most popular requests). The weather was great, the turnout was even better and I had such a good time drawing in the sun that I got a farmer's tan. Thanks to everyone who came out and looked for me (hey, Doodlers!) -- I hope you all had a good time and got some nice comics to take home.
Below is my contribution to one of the fine books being offered for
FCBD, the excellent
Comics Festival comic. Its a one-pager, written by Brian Mclachlan, pencilled by me and inked by Darwyn Cooke. I've posted it here in black and white, but its printed in full colour in the free comic -- maybe that will make you hunt down a copy!
Incidentally, this is the 2nd year that the three of us have collaborated on a page for the Comics Festival book. You can check out our previous effort in an older post from my blog