Last week was very hectic and busy, so its time to post another drawing "from the files". This one was a collaborative page that was printed in the book that the excellent Toronto comic shop,
the Beguiling, put together to give away at last year's Free Comic Day. They ran a series of 1 and 2 page stories showcasing a variety of canadian comic talent and this one was the contribution by Darwyn Cooke, Brian McLachlan and myself.
Now how did I get mixed up with such illustrious canadian cartoonists on such a momentous continuity-shaking project? Well, its a long story. The short version is that Darwyn Cooke was given two pages in the book, and generously offered to share one with Brian McLachlan. After trying to brainstorm a one page idea together for a while with little success, somehow Darwyn decided that the funniest thing for him to draw would involve me in a cowboy hat (even longer story there, so forget it). So he roughed out the story and drew up a quick pencil page, which he sprung on me to ink up
the day before it was due at the printers. Nice.
Anyway, to make up for the short amount of time, Darwyn very graciously told me I could walk all over his drawing, and redraw things as I saw fit. His mistake. Needless to say, I took him at his word and changed/botched/mis-read everything! Now, while I was inking this, Brian wrote the excellent dialog and jokes to go with the story and we got it all in just a couple of seconds before the deadline. And of course, I got my revenge for the cowboy hat joke by doing a terrible set of likenesses of us all in the last panel.