I recently got my comp copies of the fantastic new Adhouse books anthology, Project: Romantic and I was very impressed. I only have a 2 page story in it, "My Name is Eunice Jung" (which you may have already seen in my blog here), so my contribution is really really small, but its a thrill to see my work in amongst such a talented collection of artists. As I read through the book, I was awed by the sheer diversity of art styles and storytelling approaches. There are some seriously talented comic artists working today and many of them are in this book.
Among my favourite stories in the collection: "Romantic" by Doug Fraser, "Scary Thoughts" by Mike Laughead, "Lovers on a Flying Bed" by Junko Mizuno, "Sweetie 'n Me" by Joel Priddy (a real charmer), "The Romance of the Skies" by Paul Rivoche, "Imitating Life" by José Garibaldi (man, what a draftsman!), "Even Monkeys Know About Love After A Hundred Years" by Randall Christopher (hilarious and touching) and "Kingdom Animalia, Ilustrated" by Josh Cutter (just plain hilarious). Though I have to say, my favourite story here is "Trouble" by T. Edward Bak -- a four page story about teenage crushes, younger brothers, and suburban life all written and drawn in a very understated, honest style.
But don't take my word for it, pick up a copy of Project: Romantic and see for yourself!