Hurrays! The 2nd volume of the Max Finder Mystery: Collected Casebook is out, featuring artwork by yours truely. Now, I've posted about Max Finder before (you can check out my post about volume 1 here), but for those who don't know, Max is a 7th grade detective who solves mysteries in and around his hometown with the aid of his trusty sidekick, Alison Santos. Written in a you-solve-it format, his adventures were originally featured in the excellent canadian children's magazine Owl. This 2nd volume collects another 10 mystery comic stories, mostly from the 2nd year of the series' run, along with a bonus section featuring puzzles and an artists sketchbook. Its available at fine bookstores everywhere but you can also order it online from the publisher Owlkids, or from online retailers like Amazon.com or Chapters.ca. It makes a great gift for readers aged 9 to 13.

And since this is a sketchblog, you can check out my sketches and the evolution of the cover of Casebook 2 below: